Activities undertaken for the year 2013

The year 2013, was significant in the history of the foundation Anna- Maria as it was this year that the first time the foundation was able to donate a 20ft container to the Accra psychiatric hospital to aid in the health delivery of persons with mental disability. We give thanks to the most high for his grace and love towards the members of this foundation. We express our sincere thanks to all members for their support and financial contribution that made the year a success.

The main activites undertaken during year include

  1. Summerfest (lauchaufest)

The fest is usually organized once a year by the lovely people of the community of Lauchau, the foundation takes part in the fest by helping to clean the whole surrounding of the community. The foundation uses this period to spread the awareness on the need to support the needy and disabled persons back home in Ghana. We also sell food items prepared by the foundation to raise funds to support the activities of the foundation.

  1. Items collection

In August of the year 2013, the foundation as part of its plans to support the needed back home in Ghana, embark on three days items collection. The items collected were used clothing, computers, and clutches, shoes for children, electric beds with mattress. Other items also include toys for the children in the disabled home of the Accra Psychiatric hospital, bed spread for the hospital.

  1. Loading of container for the Accra Psychiatric hospital

The items that had been collected throughout the year was in October 2013 loaded in a 20ft container to be shipped to Tema , Ghana with the benefiting hospital been the Accra Psychiatric hospital. The shipment was made possible by the help of Global Engagement.

  1. Donations of Items

In November, 2013 the founder of the Foundation was in Ghana and she made the donation to the Accra Psychiatric Hospital as was expected.

  1. Dinner

The foundation in December organized a dinner for all the members of at the halls of Lauchau community center. The dinner was to appreciate the hard work by the members of the foundation and thank everyone for their support during the year.

We thank God for everything he had done for us to achieve everything we set out at the beginning of the year. We also want to thank all members for their prayer, funds and support.

Thank you

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